I decided that I would take the day off from work as a birthday present to myself. I have an extreme aversion to Mondays anyways and add the "I don't know why we have to screw with my sleep schedule two times every year" Daylight Savings, and it was a no brainer. The girl is sick and has been since late last week, and hubby had the day off, so the three of us camped out at home. We had too much fun celebrating my birthday with family over the weekend, so I used yesterday as catch up on laundry, dishes, errands. Yes, on my birthday. It was nice.
Wow, you really know how to celebrate in style! :)
Happy Birthday, one day late!!!
Happy Birthday! And as a nice birthday present Tom Delay announced that he was not going to seek reelection.
What is your favorite scent as long as it is one I have I will make you a candle or two.
Honeysuckle. Have that one?
And yes, imagine my delight and surprise that DeLay will no longer tarnish our fair city.
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