I've learned an important lesson in empathy the past few weeks. My husband and I have been on a journey. A journey towards financial freedom and trying to gain the knowledge and experience to make that happen. We came across a set of books especially enlightening and have tried to tell others about them. And the more we talk about what we've learned, the more we're met with resistance. My husband said we shouldn't discuss what we're doing or what we've learned or try to give out advice anymore. Why I asked. Their financial future is at risk! I didn't catch the parallels to Christianity until my husband asked how would you feel if they said you should read the bible? I should have caught on before as one of the books is titled "The Prophecy" and compares preparing for your future to Noah building his ark.
So, what have I learned? First, shut-up because no one wants to hear it. And second, maybe I should have a little more empathy to those trying to share their beliefs in god. They believe in their hearts they are doing the right thing. And just as I was trying to show people they needed to prepare for their financial future, Christians are trying to show people to prepare for the future they believe will come.
3 years later…
[image: phone call with old boss cartoon image]
We all remember when I lost my dream job back in the summer of 2022. The
contract job that became a full ti...
2 days ago
Don't give up totally. Over the weekend I ran in to two very intelligent older working women (one with a doctorate, one with a Masters) who had no idea what a Capital Gain (or the tax) was, or why a long-term annuity charges a penality for early withdrawal. Both are very liberal when it comes to financing social programs, but after our discussions the light began to dawn.
For the record, I do believe in some social programs, but I also believe they must have a time limit attached to the taxpayers' largess.
Christians feel they best promote their faith by living through example. I get a chance to share my faith often when people ask me why I'm just so darned positive all the time. "It's easy," I tell them... and then go on from there.
The difference between discussing what you believe and proselytizing is significant at least to my interpretation. I have no problem listening to what others believe as long as it is in that context and in turn discussing what I believe. I do and will react rather negatively to anyone trying to convert me. (Side note. I didn't become an atheist by not reading the bible.) My plan toward financial freedom is far more conservative than yours because you were always so much more ambitious but I don't mind hearing about it.
How can the book compare preparing for the future to Noah building an ark? I guess just figuratively because Noah's ark is a myth.
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