Wednesday, July 27, 2005

America's Paradox

Thanks to Mister Crunchy for leading me to an interesting article concerning the values the majority of Americans say they hold and their actions, 'The Christian Paradox'.

"...therein is the paradox. America is simultaneously the most professedly Christian of the developed nations and the least Christian in its behavior.

Christ was pretty specific about what he had in mind for his followers. What if we chose some simple criterion—say, giving aid to the poorest people—as a reasonable proxy for Christian behavior?
...nearly 18 percent of American children lived in poverty (compared with, say, 8 percent in Sweden). In fact, by pretty much any measure of caring for the least among us you want to propose—childhood nutrition, infant mortality, access to preschool—we come in nearly last among the rich nations, and often by a wide margin. "

Much of my negativity with religion, Christianity in particular, stems from this very issue. I presume it is much easier to give the talk, than to actually follow through with your convictions. I do know people who certainly do not follow this model. They actively live their beliefs and I can respect that greatly, even if I don't agree with their beliefs.

My core philosophy is that we all live together on this planet and we should treat each other respectfully and try to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Before kids, I was much more involved, and as the children need me less and less I plan to get back into volunteering. Right now I am focusing on raising adults who will carry on my philosophy to treat others respectfully.

Countdown to school

In just 21 days, my baby boy will be leaving the nest to start kindergarten. He's been in day care since he was a little over a year, so one would think this would be an easy transition for him. And most likely it will be. It's me that I'm worried about. I have been searching for any and all information about his school. I found out that he can purchase lunch for $1.35. Which is great, but we haven't taught him to count change! How is he going to do that on his own? What if he gets lost? What if he acts up in class? What if he eats glue? New thoughts pop up continuously to increase my paranoia.

Breathe Mom, just breathe.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Good god/bad god

My son is very interested in god lately. I try to encourage him to learn more and to teach him about the various religions that believe in god. Just because his father and I don't believe in god doesn't mean that it's not right for our children. I want them to follow their hearts and minds like we have. Hubby doesn't agree with this and thinks we're leading him down the wrong path, but I want him to learn about as many different things as he can and then judge for himself when he's old enough.

But none of that is the point of this story. We stopped by Natural Bridge Caverns on our trip to New Braunfels a month ago and took the cavern tour. We get down to the deepest part of the cave, and the boy turns to me and says "Good god made this, -dramatic pause- but bad god lives here'.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


For the first time in nearly a year, I am reading a book. And not even a real estate related book. It does talk about realtors, but it is not directly related to real estate. The book does not follow the traditional lines but instead seeks the underlying reasons for why things happen and not just blindly follow conventional wisdom. And I'm all about not blindly following conventional wisdom :)

Particularly interesting is his link between the drop in crime rate in the early 1990's and the legalization of abortion. An exerpt from from the Washington Post:

"Consider Levitt's notion of a relationship between abortion access and the crime drop. First, Freakonomics shows that although commonly cited factors such as improved policing tactics, more felons kept in prison and the declining popularity of crack account for some of the national reduction in crime that began in about the year 1990, none of these completes the explanation. (New York City and San Diego have enjoyed about the same percentage decrease in crime, for instance, though the former adopted new policing tactics and the latter did not.) What was the significance of the year 1990, Levitt asks? That was about 16 years after Roe v. Wade. Studies consistently show that a disproportionate number of crimes are committed by those raised in broken homes or who were unwanted as children. When abortion became legal nationally, Levitt theorizes, births of unwanted children declined; 16 years later crime began to decline, as around age 16 is the point at which many once-innocent boys start their descent into the criminal life. Leavitt's clincher point is that the crime drop commenced approximately five years sooner in Alaska, California, Hawaii, New York and Washington state than it did in the nation as a whole. What do these states have in common? All legalized abortion about five years before Roe."

Here's a review of Freakonomics : A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I've been tagged!

Michael, at Chasing the Wind, has tagged me. I am supposed to answer the question and tag 5 people. Alas, I'm not convinced 5 people read my blog, so this will end with me unless Darkle wants to take a stab at it. And since Jo at Spin the Moon started it and passed it on to Michael, they're untaggable.

Things you enjoy, not because you have to but because you WANT to, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal. And then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Scrapbooking. Those that know me are surprised to find out I scrapbook. However girly an activity it might seem, I do enjoy having a creative outlet.

2. Jogging. You'd never know it by the shape I'm in at the moment....

3. Watching crap tv. Nothing better than zero brain activity.

4. Playing with my kids. Only when they're not fighting. Otherwise it raises my stress/blood pressure/anxiety level.

5. Swimming. I love the feel of the water gliding along my body, the relief from sounds from the chaotic world around.

That's it! So, if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Goodbye Maggie

My parents cat died a week ago. And I feel mostly responsible. She had diabetes and I was in charge of her twice daily injections while they were out of town for the weekend. Saturday evening, I was fairly sure I missed when going in for the shot and I saw droplets on her fur. So, I gave her another shot. Sunday morning, she was very vocal, but I chalked it up to missing my folks. Sunday evening, when they arrived home, she did not seem well. My mother ended up taking her to the emergency clinic at 4 am July 4th. Her blood sugar was high and she wouldn't eat. Her body basically shut down and she was put to sleep Wednesday while my father was holding her. My mother assures me that the vet said it was not a result of too much insulin, but I'm not convinced.

My mother was crazy about Maggie. She was 13 years old and was my replacement. My freshman year of college, during spring break, Mom and I went to the pet store. I picked her out and named her. And she became my mother's companion since I was no longer living at home. She will be missed.